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Diarouga lors d'une math pyjama party. |
Armag qualifie cet acte d'arbitraire,ridicule et injuste visant un des favoris actuels de ce tournoi international. Armag dénonce une administration qui ne sert que ses intérêts personnels quitte a faire perdre toute la crédibilité que pouvait encore avoir les tournois D'Eso Community.
Plusieurs éditorialistes et anciens admins de ESOC s'interrogent d'ailleurs sur cette décision inexplicable , et appellent à un retour immédiat de Diarouga , joueur très investi sur le forum , et qui a participé a plusieurs reprises à la commission du FAN patch.
D'autres vont plus loin et dénoncent des enfants tyrans a la tête de l'administration actuelle, faisant preuves de nombreux chantages et manipulations envers les membres qui conduiront au prochain démantèlement de ce site.
Face à cette decision qui suit une polémique depuis plusieurs mois , Diarouga qui a tenté a plusieurs reprises d'apaiser la situation a écrit un dernier mot qui a été immédiatement supprimé sur le forum.
Nous avons donc decider de le rediffuser ici :
Hi, this is a message from diarouga, who wants to defend his case, since he's not allowed to do that here:"As most of you might know, I'm banned from the next ESOC tourney.
I'm not here to debate whether my bans were deserved, I simply want to play in that tournament, and I do think that it is deserved:
The story starts at the end of December. I wanted to come back in ESOC as I changed my mind about the story: I still believed that my bans were totally unfair, but I also realised that I totally overreacted to the first perma-ban.
After 3 weeks of "negociation" with the ESOC admins, we came to an agreement: I wouldn't be allowed in the 2v2 invitational (eventhough I helped with the organisation), since too many staff members claimed they would leave the staff else, but, after helping with the patch (me and Hazza were the only who wanted to test the patch, and we played about 30-35 games (most are recorded), which took us a lot of time), I would be allowed in the big 1v1 tourney.20 days ago, bramboy sent me this message:"So, there's been a lot of confusion about your ban. Initially we decided that you hadn't served enough time and that you were to remain banned until the next tournament, providing you showed good behavior. Unfortunately our totalitarian friends in the business team decided to scrap that and tell you that you were going to be unbanned. That isn't going to happen, unfortunately for you. We're working on our internal communication and tasks delegation to make sure this doesn't happen again, but I expect you to receive an apology from the business team in the near future.Currently, there's still a lot of struggles within the team. The majority is convinced that the original solution (ban until next tourney) should stay in place, and the other side keeps insisting on your unban, even though they've shown no arguments. I expect that you will not be able to participate in this tournament. I'm not writing this to rub it in, I'm writing this to clear up the situation for you since you must be pretty confused. My advice to you is to stop harassing people, regardless of whether or not they're staff, and to remain respectful in general to everyone. If our mutual acquaintances in the business team decide to let you play anyways, half of the staff have vowed to leave, so I don't expect them to do that. Business team's authority is being diminished"Which surprised me quite a lot, because n0eL told me that the deal was still working. I was also very disappointed by the extremly immature behaviour of the staff team. Seriously, blackmailing the admins because they want to let someone play in a tournament, how old are you? It's very disrespectful, and if anything can explain what I did in the past (I've never hacked ESOC by the way), it's that kind of behaviour.
Frankly, how would you feel, if after investing a lot of time in the game, and in ESOC, you weren't allowed to play in a tournament because some people hate you? Most would probably react better than I did, but all this hate made me mad.The worst thing is that it hurted me personally, I used to consider most of these guys as my friends.
Before bram sent me this message, we used to play a lot together on Starcraft II, and some messages such as "I'm all for it if they can't play", answering to a joke I made about knush and me replacing a missing team, or "I genuinely like you" explain why I felt like that.When I say that I took that personally, it's not only because of the decision, but also because of the offensive writing style:
"we decided that you hadn't served enough time" What does it mean? Am I a slave for ESOC? It looks like I am. Some staff members even told me that I shouldn't help ESOC with the patchx considering how the staff treats me.
And how can I trust them? We made a deal, and I did help them, what tells me the will allow me in the next tourney? I was banned from the 2v2 invitational because of a staff blackmail, and now it's the same. Honestly, it's going to be the exact same thing next tournament.
After that, how can one claim that I should be banned because I haven't respected some staff member's work? At least they are thanked by the community, I'm permanently banned.Finally, the last sentence disappointed me a lot. Bramboy, when he was my friend, or acting as if he were idk, told me: "don't be blackmailed, it's bullshit", and that's what he, and some others, are doing, sigh.Until recently, I was still quite confident, and I was convinced that I would be allowed to play.
Indeed, n0eL told me "just ignore him", when I sent him Bramboy's message. Unfortunately for me, n0eL left the staff (probably because of that kind of issues), and the only guys in the staff who recall of that deal are _H2O and Mitoe, but they don't want to force the decision.I know that this message won't change the done, as only the staff can make the decision, but I want the community to know what has happened, and please, don't be so hard with me, I know I've hurted the community but try to understand my reactions :(@ovi12 @SirCallen @GiveUAnxiety @Soldier
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