Pour animer la communauté, Soldier, et son frère GiveUanxiety ont décidé de faire 24heures de stream sans pauses, ceci inclue parties commentés, VOD, team games...
Je vous laisse découvrir le programme:
Goodspeed a dit:
Everyone, your plans for saturday just changed. We have a 24h stream marathon coming up! Brothers in arms IAmSoldieR and GiveUAnxiety are your hosts and will take turns streaming 1v1s, team games, replay reviews, and even best of 7 showmatches between top players! Awesome stuff, streaming for 24h is not easy even if you take turns so give them all the support they need, and don't judge their play too harshly ;)
The icing on the cake is the saturday smackdown, which starts immediately after! More on that here
After IamPREZSTEVE's usual friday night stream which starts at 20 GMT, our men from sKs clan will take over. Next is 24 hours of glorious AoE3 content, which you definitely don't want to miss! So, good luck finding time to sleep...
The following schedule is subject to change. All times GMT.
Fri 20-22 Steve opens with weekly Friday stream
22-23 1v1's with SoldieR
23-2 BO7 OBS
2-4 1v1's with GUA
4-5 Hangout/Intermission
5-7 1v1's with SoldieR
7-10 BO7 OBS
10-12 1v1's with GUA
12-13 Recorded Game review
13-15 Team Games
15-18 BO7 OBS
18-20 Chat decides!
20+ Saturday smackdown (Samwise12 vs Goodspeed) with Zutazuta
You read it right, there will be 3 best of 7 series as well as a ton of high level first person 1v1s. We don't know who's playing the BO7s yet, so that'll be a surprise :)
We'll see you tomorrow at 20/22 GMT at the official age of empires stream!
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