Hey everyone,
As a thank you to the mods and to every redditor who plays this game for being awesome, I made a new AoE3 account (nouen) with the intention to reach the top power rating, record every game and then post them here. After 23 games I have just now reached PR42 which is the highest right now
All of the games are on painted desert, and I play British in each one. Most of the games are short and one sided, but there are some good ones in there (the best games are 23, 11 and 10). 21 is a weird one, he had that won but strangely retreated after killing my town center and allowed me to come back. The build he did (Otto fast fortress) is one of the most imbalanced strategies in the game so if you can avoid it, don't abuse it!
I actually did lose one game, in 7 minutes no less, because I played it early in the morning while hungover. I did not save that replay because I was mad :p It wouldn't be useful to you anyway cause I messed up everything.
Enjoy! Hope you like Brit and remember, the best way to improve is to copy a good player's strategy. Most of my opponents were relatively decent so if you don't like Brits you can always copy them.
Also AMA cause why the hell not. And feel free to add me on either account (nouen/goodspeed).
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